Thursday, April 14, 2011


I'm frustrated with myself (and the Target dressing room mirrors.) I'm upset that I let myself get this way. I went to Target today & tried on four dresses. I was pretty much disgusted with each one of them (or more like my body in them). It's Spring-time so that means most things are very short sleeved or sleeveless. I'm pretty sure I have cellulite in my arms. And I'm supposed to go try on wedding dresses next weekend!?!? Maybe it will be very dimly lit in the dress shop. When I was in the Target dressing room, they have mirrors where you can see your front and your back. I wasn't digging any side of my body. I know that I'm working on losing weight, but ugh I'm really hating what I have done to my body. Why do we do this to ourselves? I know most women aren't pleased with their bodies. But when you're overweight and you really dislike what you see, why is it we continue to put the bad food in and slack on exercise?

Hopefully tomorrow my weigh-in will be okay. And my mood too. I don't want to wear cardigans all Summer... I'm a hot natured girl!


Mrs.Litz said...

When you try on "the dress" it will look good if you are 80 pounds or 800 pounds. :) And for heavens sake go somewhere with good mirrors and lighting! David's Bridal is fabulous, they even put you on a little pedestal and everything. :) One thing I wish someone would have told me first though, the bra they give you probably won't fit... I was crying in the dressing room cause even the biggest one wouldn't fit me right and Mike called right then and calmed me down and I just tried them on without the bra thingie, much better! After all that, I found out that it doesn't fit most people, they just try and sucker you into buying it.

Amber F. said...

My first stop is going to be the Bridal Boutique in Prattville. If I can help it, I'm going without a bra in my wedding dress. I apologize to any men reading this. =) Most of the time if it's strapless I can get away with it.. But hopefully next weekend I won't be disappointed with whatever I try on. It'll be all sparkly and such and I won't even pay attention to my problem areas.. I hope. =)

Mrs.Litz said...

Wedding dresses make everything better. :)