Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yesterday & Today

I really wish I could eat and eat and eat and lose weight. All I think about is food. I don't know how you start thinking about something else. It's like when you're a child and your parent tells you not to do something, and you do it anyway. But that's pretty much the only thing that seems to be on my mind lately.

But yesterday I did fight some temptation. One of my girlfriends at work offered me part of her Chick-fil-a wrap and I told her she needed to eat it. I wanted it and I love those things, but I also know I have to weigh in on Friday and post it on here, and that wrap would not help my weight loss. Hopefully Friday will be a good weigh-in. I guess we'll see.

I'm beginning to wish I was guy, just for the pure fact that they lose weight so easily. I know I didn't gain this weight overnight and I'm not going to lose it overnight, but it would be nice. =)

I have worked out every day this week. I've been trying to write down what I'm eating and not snacking, but sometimes it's hard. Yesterday I had pretzel M&Ms and a chocolate milk. If you're a girl, you'll know why. =) Sorry guys. But pretzel M&Ms are the most "healthy" out of the M&Ms, so I wasn't too bad.

Well, I suppose I'll quit babbling. I have Bunko tomorrow night, so I'm hoping that I don't go overboard on the food.


Mrs.Litz said...

I read somewhere once that to quit thinking about food, you keep a rubberband on your wrist and snap it everytime you think about food... I tried this and ended up with wrists that looked like I'd been trying to kill myself. I apparently think about food a lot myself. :)

Good job with the Chick-fil-a temptation! Little victories do add up! :)

Rebecca J. said...

Good job turning down the wrap! It feels good when you do something like that. I know when I cooked the kids pancakes the other day and didn't make me one it felt good, I felt better after I ate! :) Keep up the good work!