Monday, March 7, 2011

I don't know what to write..

I was thinking about it today, and now that I've started a blog, I don't know what to write.

So I guess I'll just write about my day.

I didn't get up this morning and exercise. I was really tired and figured since I was planning on walking this afternoon, I'd be alright. I did go for a walk with a friend from church for an hour. That was definitely a good work out. And going with a friend is much better than going by yourself. As we talked, the walking didn't seem to be that big of a deal. And the time went by really fast.

As for food, I have had almost all of my points but 2. So I guess in a little bit when I'm craving a snack, I can actually have one. I did want to snack while at work. The afternoons always seem to be my weakness. I always want something salty. Luckily, one of my friends at work lets me mooch her Special K Cracker Chips.

Hopefully, tomorrow I won't be feeling quite so lazy and I'll get up and work out.

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