Monday, March 28, 2011

Exercise, Schmexercise

I don't think I'm very good at this whole blogging thing. I have been checking out some other blogs, and I guess I just don't have a lot to write about.

Well, maybe I do. Ever since we got back from Disney I have had very little motivation to exercise. I only exercised twice last week. And I did not work out this morning. This time change stinks! I do not want to get up in the mornings because it's still dark outside. I'd rather sleep. But I know I need to get my lazy bum out of the bed and MOVE! I guess it's time to hook that second alarm clock up.

I need to do something, I have to wear a bridesmaid's dress next month & a wedding dress at the end of the year.... oh yeah and the fact that I started writing this blog to lose some poundage. =)

Well I guess that's all for now. Here's to hoping I get up in the morning!


MsT said...

I know what you mean. I took Sunday off and couldn't get myself to move today. Not a good day and not a good night. Hope you can get motivated though. Wish I could help you.

Amber F. said...

Thank you! I think tomorrow I'm just going to have a bunch of different alarms go off so I can force myself up!

Mrs.Litz said...

Here's some motivation: Once you're married, you're so NOT going to want to get up early in the morning to exercise, you're going to want to stay snuggled with your hubby until the last minute before you both have to get up. And if y'all have kids, just toss the notion of exercise out the window completely. So my earnest advise is to do it all now! I wish I had. :) (for the record, I think you're teensy tiny and don't need to lose any weight anyways, but I understand not feeling that way about yourself.)

Amber F. said...

Aww you're sweet!! =)

Doobie said...

I told you I would run/walk with you. Justin and I have decided to go twice a week. You're welcome to join us, or you, me, Jonny, and Kate could go! Or just the three of us, or whatever. Just stay motivated. Remember, "30 before 30" is YOUR goal! Do what it takes to achieve it! We're all proud of you anyway, so make sure you're proud of yourself!

Amber F. said...

Thanks for the motivation Doobie! I may have to start running/walking with you guys!

Anonymous said...

OK, so every year Crystal and I do the St. Jude run in Memphis. It's he first weekend in Dec. (12/3 this year) Y'all could sign up to do that with us, and I guarantee nothing will motivate you more than making a commitment to run for those kiddos. I lost ~40 lbs. in '08 training for the 1/2 and have kept it off for the most part. Just a thought:D