Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Can I Maintain Once I Lose?

So I think I wasn't quite as bad as I thought I was in Disney. =) I've cheated and weighed myself twice this week and I'm still around what I was before I left. So I'm excited to see what I weigh on Friday.

I'm a little concerned though that I see my goals as turning 30 and fitting into a wedding dress. I really want to maintain my happy weight when I reach it. That is usually my downfall. I lose the weight, get extremely excited, and then tend to put it all back on. I think it's because I normally have the mindset that it's a diet and not a lifestyle change. I really need to keep it off because gaining and losing is not great for my body.

I know once I get married and I'm cooking more than normal, it will probably be harder for me to keep it down. I know most married couples tend to put on weight and it would be nice if I could keep it off. It would be great if it were simple for me to just be smaller. But I guess hard work will have to be part of my vocabulary and life if I want to enjoy a smaller me.

I'm wondering how the stress of planning a wedding will affect my weight loss. I usually want to eat, even though sometimes I feel like skipping the food. Oh well, pray that I don't pull my hair out. =)


MsT said...

I don't know if this will help but if you can get some crushed ice and put some crystal light (lite?) on it then you can snack on that and not gain anything. The water is good for you and the flavor of the powder gives you that sweet you might crave from time to time. Now the Crystal Light isn't mixed...it's straight powder. Keeps you cool too.

Amber F. said...

Sounds good!